Create your personalized training program according to your goals!
Get a discount on your subscription.
Different discounts may apply:
Student discount from 20%. Available at the studio only upon presentation of a student card.
Discount with monthly pre-authorized payment subscription.
No hidden fees.
Mandatory uniform for all martial disciplines.
$25 in credit when you refer a registration.
Family discount up to 50% discounts!
Partner of the “Vie active” program for employees of the City of Quebec!
Find out about our discounts for police officers, firefighters, paramedics, soldiers and veterans!
Cet abonnement VIP exclusif, vous donne un accès illimité aux studios INSTINCT MARTIAL et YOGA AVENUE. Nous croyons fermement en la complémentarité du Yoga et des Arts Martiaux. Trouver le parfait équilibre entre YIN et YANG
Découvrez deux studios sous un même toit !